Sunday, 6 May 2012

Quit while ahead, or at least while sitting down

Having run my bath at 1930 with in Beam Me Up Scotty Mode, I was surprised to hear the offspring and sleepover bait still running around around in the garden of Wysteria Heights, the UK Malmomum home.  It has been a busy week and an untended blog.  Yesterday I went for a ladies dinghy sailing day and helmed a RS Feva under the watchful tution of the fireball helm and did not swear as we tacked, gybed, raised a spinnaker (for all of 15 seconds) and I beached the boat almost looking calm.

Going back sailing is part of rediscovering things that are fun and I want to hand over to the boys.  So I enjoyed waking at 0700 this morning and DS1 bringing me a cup of tea and a hug at 0800.  Figured they would be alright with morning telly and sloped off for a run.  Very nice too; rest days do help; there was loads of activity at local green space.  Then back for the monumental task of getting 3 kids kitted for sailing and a picnic made as they are gannets and could happily eat £££s worth of cafe food without an eyeblink.  So flask made, home made bread sliced (OK, bread maker and 65p Aldi bread mix) Farmers Market sausages cooked, crisps selected and something sweet when ultimate bribe needed and we were off for 1130.  Wet suit boots today's sticking point. 

Pleased to report got the Feva rigged up, eventually, took each one out in turn for about what seemed like 10 mins max each and I once again I did not swear.  Goodness, not turning into someone worthy?  So that was the mission accomplished and the Feva was needed by someoneelse so did not have to do mum only derigging.

Home to repeated requests to do jobs, slow roast pork stew from freezer jazzed up with large amounts of mushroom and leek and the excitement of the new potato ricer.  I never peal spuds for mash but with the promise of the fluffiest mash ever DS2 son cracked on and did four spuds without stopping and the rest followed.  The mash was lush despite the cream and butter and more cream and butter and salt.  All, (yes All!) cleared away and the sleepover guests arrived and an hour outside while I was in the bath.   So chuffed.  Time to sit back and chill.  The bets for hours slept tonight are???

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